Just for today do not worry Just for today do not anger Honour your parents, teachers and elders Earn your living honestly Show gratitude to every living thing. |
What Is Reiki?
Reiki is (pronounced Ray Keye) a form of natural healing using universal life force energy by the laying on of hands.
Unlike modern medicine, Reiki works on healing the whole person... spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically.
Anyone can benefit from Reiki, and it can also be used on plants and animals.
The Origin of Reiki
Dr Mikao Usui rediscovered Reiki through a journey of personal transformation beginning in the mid 1800's. There are many versions of how it was originated. This is how it was taught to me.
As an adult, Dr. Usui made it his goal to rediscover the art of healing. He started by visiting Buddhist temples and asking monks if they knew how to heal the physical body. Invariably the answer was that they did not. They were concentrating on healing the mind as they believed that this was more important and that most disease came from the mind first.
One of the abbots of a Zen monastery he approached him and told him that "they no longer knew how to heal the body. They used to, but this had been lost through disuse". The abbot was also interested in healing and he invited Dr. Usui to study with them and look at their secret books in their original language.
In order to do this, Dr. Usui learned Chinese and eventually Sanskrit. It was in the Indian sutras, written in Sanskrit that he found part of his answer, a formula that allowed him to contact higher power in a meditation.
Armed with this formula, Dr. Usui decided to go to the holy mountain of Kori-yama to fast and meditate for 21 days.
He sat on top of the mountain with 21 stones in front of him. Every day as dawn broke, he threw a stone away. The rest of the day was spent in meditation. On the twenty first day, he threw his last stone away and shortly after saw a very bright light in the horizon that was coming straight at him. He realized that this light was a message and that he was about to receive what he had been looking for all his life.
The light was very powerful and he realized that to receive the instructions he needed, the light would have to strike him, maybe even kill him. Dr. Usui felt he was being given a choice whether or not he wanted to go through with this experience. He decided to receive the light and see what happened.
The light struck him on the third eye and knocked him unconscious. He then had an out of body experience where he was shown bubbles of light with symbols in them. He memorized the symbols and as he did so, he received an attunement from the light so that he was able to use the symbols. This was the way Dr. Usui was initiated into Reiki.
When Dr. Usui regained consciousness, he was full of energy although he had not eaten for 21 days. He set out to go back to the monastery and as he came down the mountain, he tripped and his toe started to bleed. Instinctively, he put his hands around it; the bleeding stopped and the pain went away. He knew then that he had acquired some healing power. On his way back, he had a full meal (having fasted for 21 days). He had no adverse effect from this meal.
While having his meal he was served by the Innkeeper's daughter who had a terrible tooth ache. Dr. Usui felt he could help her and held his hand near her jaw where it hurt. Within a few minutes, the pain had gone.
Back at the monastery, he discovered that the abbot was in bed crippled with arthritis. He proceeded to relate his experience and at the same time successfully treated his friend's arthritis.
Dr. Usui spent 7 years taking care of sick people (beggars) in the slums of Tokyo. Many of these beggars, although cured of physical illnesses, went back to begging as the life of a working man is much more tiring than begging.
Dr. Usui realized that he had been mistaken and that the person receiving healing must first ask for it and that there must be an exchange of energy. This can be money, work, goods or whatever. Without the person asking for healing or exchanging, he believed the healing would not work.
After this realization, Dr. Usui went around Japan and looked for people who wanted to be healed. He practiced and taught Reiki throughout Japan for the remainder of his life. Before his transition on 9 March 1926, he gave the Master attunement to sixteen teachers
These teachers in turn, began the work or teaching and attuning others in Reiki healing work. Most Reiki Master Teachers today can trace their lineage to one of these original students. Dr. Usui was decorated by the Emperor of Japan. He is buried in a Zen temple in Tokyo.
What Can I Expect?
A typical Reiki session lasts between 30 - 60 minutes. The client will be asked to get comfortable and lay down on a massage table or be seated in a chair. The removal of any clothing is unnecessary. If removing shoes helps the client be comfortable that should be fine.
Practitioners may have gentle music and / or subtle lighting to help the client relax.
You may see the practitioner make some strange hand movements above you at first. No need for worry. They are just initiating the start of Reiki by using symbols passed down to them by their teachers that originally came from Dr. Usui. They are used to initiate the start of treatment.
The treatment itself is painless. It is done "For the highest good of the client with harm to none." The practitioner may use different basic hand positions or as I prefer to do it, I let my hands go where I feel it is needed to channel the Reiki energy. Reiki will go where it is most needed for the best benefit of the client on its own. These positions are usually held three minutes - ten minutes at the practitioner's discretion.
Some clients I have done Reiki on have told me afterwards they saw colors. Others mentioned warm sensations like a warm glow inside them or tingling. This is normal. Not all see them. Each experience is unique. During a treatment talking is optional. Relax and enjoy it. Some people, fall asleep because they feel so relaxed.
Even though Reiki is usually done by the laying on of hands, if the client feels uncomfortable, they do not have to be touched. Just let the practitioner know this before they begin. Instead, they can do scanning, which is done from a distance.
If the client is unable to come in for a hands on treatment, the practitioner and client can also make arrangements to have the practitioner send Reiki via distance healing.
When the session is over, take time getting up, as some people may feel light headed. If at any time you feel uncomfortable tell the practitioner. After all it is YOUR treatment.
If You Want To Learn Reiki
One of the first things I suggest doing is to meditate on this. Make sure it is something you really want to learn. Reiki is a healing tool and is always used for the highest good of the person receiving it with harm to none.
There are three levels.
Reiki level I. is for students who wish to learn to use Reiki energy. It is all that is needed for self-healing, and doing hands on Reiki for others.
A Reiki I class generally includes learning the hand positions for self healing Reiki and doing Reiki on others. The History of Reiki, Reiki ethics, and Reiki principals along with anything else your Reiki Master teacher includes. There are also attunements (An attunement is a ritual action performed by the Reiki teacher to awaken the Reiki energy in the student). That should be included in the class, along with an explanation of the 21 day cleansing cycle.
Reiki II teaches the three symbols, representing focus, harmony, and connection. The teacher should include scanning, beaming, and long distance Reiki with this, and also another attunement.
Reiki level III. (Master Level) This includes the power symbol for empowerment, along with its meaning and use. This is a major commitment. Reiki III is taught by some to heal on the spiritual level. Your class should also include the attunement process and practice in its application, and how to teach others.
Each teacher is different and may include other things also in their classes. These are just some basics to look for when searching for a good teacher. Make sure you feel a good connection to the teacher you choose. I feel this is most important. Your teacher should be someone you feel you can talk openly to and share with.
To receive a Reiki Treatment in the Sacramento area, or to locate Reiki teachers in or near your hometown, please feel free to contact Lioness
