Whitaker is Director of the Whitaker Wellness Institute
and Editor of Health & Healing newsletter that
provides the best of conventional and alternative health
advice for more than 500,000 people nationwide. Dr. Whitaker
is the author of several books including the best-selling
Shed 10 Years in 10 Weeks.
for Joint Aches: As Easy as 1 2 3
Julian Whitaker, M.D.
Joint aches and stiffness are perhaps the most common of all physical
complaints, affecting almost 50 million Americans. It comes in all
forms and shapes: the jogger with creaky, stiff knees, the grandmother
having trouble opening a jar...But there is hope! The program that
I've been using with my patients for years not only alleviates the
symptoms of aching joints, but also helps to repair the joints by
regenerating the cartilage that cushions the ends of the bones.
1. Good nutrition builds healthy
Diet is a powerful therapy for any condition, and joint health is
no exception. A low-fat, moderate-protein diet, based around vegetables,
fruits, legumes, and grains, is what the human body was designed
for, and it functions best when fueled properly. Plus, the most
important dietary consideration in any inflammatory condition such
as joint aches and stiffness is the proper type and amount of fat.
For example, cold-water fish and flaxseed are rich in omega-3 fatty
acids, which promote a healthy inflammatory response. In other words,
if you eat cold-water fish several times a week and add flaxseed
to your recipes, you'll give your body more of what it needs to
fight inflammation. Most other types of fat tend to promote inflammation.
The worst culprits are processed oils, saturated fats and hydrogenated
oils (such as peanut butter and margarine). Keep your overall fat
intake in the 20 percent range, and avoid unhealthy fats as much
as possible.
2. Exercise your way to improved joint
The last thing you may want to do with an aching joint is exercise
it. But a vast body of research clearly shows that exercise is extremely
effective in restoring function, movement, and flexibility. People
with aching or stiff joints who regularly exercise make significant
gains in flexibility and mobility and their ability to function.
If you've been inactive for awhile or you're over 45, I recommend
seeing your doctor or therapist so that your functional status can
be assessed and a tailored program based on your current clinical
status can be initiated. This evaluation should include a graded
exercise stress test as well as joint mobility testing.
3. Take a full spectrum of joint-supporting
Make sure your body is getting what it needs to support and nourish
your joints. The right combination of nutrients will target the
root of your joint aches to ease your discomfort and bring you lasting
Glucosamine Builds Healthy, Elastic Cartilage
I have used glucosamine in my practice for years -- a full 8 years
before the January 26, 2001, issue of The Lancet, a prestigious
British medical journal, heralded the 'news' that glucosamine sulfate
slows deterioration of the joints. I was convinced in 1993 that
it is one of the most effective therapies for long-term relief of
joint discomfort and that still holds true today.
In fact, hundreds of studies have examined the effects of glucosamine
on joint aches, and the vast majority have shown it to be effective
in relieving discomfort and restoring flexibility. In a recent three-year
study, 212 patients who were already experiencing joint discomfort
in the knee received glucosamine or a placebo and their knees were
X-rayed at one year and at three years. Researchers found that all
the patients who had received the placebo developed joint narrowing,
while those who had taken glucosamine showed no detectable changes.
In addition, patients taking the placebo evaluated their aches and
discomfort as worse, while those on glucosamine reported that their
knees felt better.
information about Dr. Whitaker's own nutritional formula that combines
9 joint-supporting nutrients into a single, powerful solution).
Sulfate Promotes Cushioning Effect
Like glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate is abundant in your cartilage.
It has a strong affinity for water and is able to attract and hold
it within the cartilage. This is crucial to joint health, since
water makes up 85 percent of cartilage and is what gives cartilage
its resiliency and cushioning effect. Furthermore, it also helps
to inhibit the enzymes that break down cartilage, giving the edge
to the reconstructive process.
Studies of chondroitin sulfate support its therapeutic use in the
treatment of joint aches. In a recent French study of 104 patients
with existing knee discomfort, chondroitin sulfate reduced functional
impairment by approximately 50 percent after one year. X-rays of
the knee also showed improvement.
information about Dr. Whitaker's own nutritional formula that combines
9 joint-supporting nutrients into a single, powerful solution).
Nutrient recommendations in a nutshell...
- To relieve
joint aches and rebuild cartilage, take 1,000-1,500 mg glucosamine
daily in divided doses with meals. As you notice improvements,
cut back to 500 or 1,000 mg. If your symptoms do not improve,
you may take up to 3,000 mg daily, and back down later.
- Also add
200 mg of chondroitin sulfate, with meals. This can be increased
up to 1,200 mg as symptoms warrant or reduced as symptoms improve.
If adding each of these supplements seems a bit overwhelming,
you'll want to learn about Dr. Whitaker's specially formulated,
targeted nutritional supplement that goes to the root of your
joint discomfort. It combines two forms of glucosamine for better
absorption and chondroitin sulfate along with six other joint
enhancing nutrients into a single, comprehensive formula. Dr.
Whitaker's patients are reporting excellent results. Learn
more about it.
Conrozier T. Anti-arthrosis treatments: efficacy and tolerance of
chondroitin sulfates. Presse Med 1998 Nov 21;27(36):1862-5.
Glucosamine reduces knee osteoarthritis. Reutershealth.com, Nov
15, 1999.
To read
more about Dr. Whitaker's recommendations for good joint health,
as well as your other top health concerns, sign up to get Dr.
Whitaker's biweekly email Health Update and special offers,
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