(Needed: a bowl of salt, incense in a censer, a red candle, and a chalice of water. Cast the Circle.)
Here before me I hold the elements of the universe: Earth, Air, Fire and Water, to remove all negetive energies from within me.
The Earth protects me from all harm, and brings strength and stability into my life. (Rub some of the salt between your hands.)
The Air blows away my fears, and moves me toward wisdom and new life. (Run your hands through the incense smoke.)
The Fire burns away all negetivity and brings the courage to make changes in my life. (Run your fingers quickly through the candle flame.)
The Water cleanses my physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wounds so that they may heal. (Pour some water from the chalice on to your hands.)
I release all my negetivity and darkness. I allow all parts of my being to be cleansed, soothed and healed, releasing everything that is negative, leaving only that which is pure, in a positive and beneficial way, according to the good of all, with harm to none. So Mote It Be.
(Take some time to reflect on the changes that are now happening in your life, and then remove the Circle.)
(Needed are: Wand, Athame, cups, wine, food and a bonfire, or candle.)
(Tap the Wand. Light the fire or candle. Call the Watchtowers. Cast the Circle. Give kisses of greeting, and speak the Blessing as usual.)
Priestess: Relax now and let all the tensions of the past week fall away from you. We will start by taking some long, slow, deep breaths. Deep breathing is like a deep inner cleansing. It purifies your body of negative thoughts and feelings. Gaze into the Flames, relax, and breathe slowly and deeply.
Priest: The Earth itself is so stable and strong; it is our foundation. The Winds of the Night blow so wise and free around us here. The Fire burns brightly, showing us visions of passion and courage. The billowing Clouds above us are filled with emotion and psychic energy. We can feel all of these Elements around us and within us.
Priestess: We will ride upon the flames of the Fire before us tonight, in the presence of the Deities, and we are feeling the current of power begin to rise within us.
Priest: We fear not, knowing that we shall be protected as we tap into this vast storehouse of energy.
Priestess: Thee we invoke, O Power of Earth which is the wood upon which this Fire burns; O Power of Air which is the smoke which rises from the Flames, O Power of Fire which is the Flame itself, O Power of Water which is the steam which arises from the Fire. Be thou an intense force, which we bring within ourselves as we build thee into a power to do our will. Let us link energies as we feel the power of the flames. Close your eyes and focus on that power. Feel the warmth of the flames upon your face.
Priest: Breathe in the warmth of the fire, breathing in deeply, fully, and completely, drawing its living energy inside your body.
Priestess: As you breathe in, you are drawing in the Power and Strength of the Earth, the Wisdom and Freedom of the Wind, the Passion and Courage of the Flames and the Emotion and Psychic Energy of Water. You breathe in all of the Elements, and all they symbolize.
Priest: You draw in life itself. As you draw the power within yourself, you can now project yourself into the Fire. Feel the Power and Strength of the Flames become as you. Feel the Wisdom and Freedom of the Flames become as you. Feel the Passion and Courage of the Flames become as you. Feel the Emotion and Energy of the Flames become as you. Feel as you become one with the Flames.
Priestess: You are now becoming truly one with all of the Elements within the Flames.
Priest: As the Power and Strength within you begins to flow, as the Wisdom and Freedom within you begins to grow, as the Passion and Courage within you begins to show, as the Emotion and Energy within you begins to build, it is time to perform the Great Magick which we will work here tonight.
Priestess: We shall release all that is within us that we now wish to be rid of, in a positive and beneficial way, with harm to none. We will each in turn say, "I release...," and name something about ourselves that we now choose to release. The rest of us will echo you three times. Do not echo yourself, as it is important to release this completely. We will continue going around to each person in turn, in a Deosil direction, until we all feel that we have released everything that we can at this time. (When all have finished, sing Air Moves Us.)
(SONG): Air moves us, Fire transforms us, Water cleanses us, Earth heals us, and the balance of the Wheel goes 'round and 'round, and the balance of the wheel goes round. (Repeat until all negativity and dis-ease is released.)
Priestess: (Throws hands into the air) AYEA!
All: (Throw hands into the air) AYEA!
(Bless the food and wine in your customary manner.)
(Close the Ritual, remove the Circle, send the Watchtowers, tap the Wand, and do a group hug as usual.)
